Getting divorced is never an easy process. It’s emotional, and some of the negative thoughts you may be having can cloud your judgment when dealing with the ins and outs of legalities.
You may feel panic, rage, and numbness. You might even feel like you are going crazy, or like no one understands the pain you are going through.
No matter the circumstances, it’s important to understand the legal constraints once a divorce petition is filed so you can protect yourself and your interests from start to finish. Beyond that, having an experienced Bryan, Texas divorce attorney by your side to help you navigate the process can make all the difference.
In this blog, our family law attorneys break down some key factors of the divorce process, what a standing order is, and how you can protect yourself and your family through a divorce.
What Are Standing Orders in Brazos County?
Standing orders have been adopted by the district courts of Brazos Valley. It’s a code of conduct regarding the treatment of children and property during divorce. These orders may include motions for temporary orders regarding custodial issues for minor children, child support, spousal support, and use of the family home. The standing orders also allow a party to:
- Maintain a reasonable lifestyle
- Spend what is needed for living expenses
- Incur debt related to the case
When Are Standing Orders Issued?
When you have been served divorce papers in Bryan, Texas, you have less than 30 days to deliver your written response. You can either agree to the orders or file a counterclaim.
Brazos County Standing Orders are issued when the petition to divorce is filed and outline a process to protect children and property during divorce.
The initial orders will include the divorce petition and information about the standing orders on your assets and behavior. Standing orders must be attached to any divorce petitions filed in the county and apply to the parties in the pending divorce.
What Do Standing Orders Prohibit?
Standing orders are meant to prevent the parties from acting in a way that is harmful to others or property during divorce. Most of the requirements in the standing orders are prohibiting behavior that you would get in trouble for, like:
- Harming an animal
- Harassing or threatening the other party
- Causing bodily injury to a child
- Falsifying documents
Standing orders also prevent either party from changing the school a child attends or making disparaging remarks about the other party in the presence of the child.
What does this mean for my case?
If you’re involved in a divorce case in Brazos County, you are subject to the standing orders in your petition. There can be serious consequences for failing to follow the standing orders that could ultimately impact your ability to achieve the outcome you want post-divorce.
However, an experienced divorce attorney will explain your rights and any legal protections you should be aware of and will help guide you toward the best resolution possible. If you have any questions or concerns about your case, please contact C.E. Borman and Associates to discuss how the standing order could impact your case.
Contact the Bryan, Texas Divorce Lawyers at C.E. Borman & Associates
Divorce can bring unexpected challenges, from navigating legal orders to addressing financial and emotional concerns. Having the right legal guidance can make all the difference.
At C.E. Borman & Associates, we are dedicated to helping clients across Brazos County and throughout Texas find clarity and confidence during divorce proceedings. Whether you need support complying with standing orders, understanding your rights, or planning for your future, our experienced team is ready to assist.
Contact us today to take the first step toward resolving your case with care and compassion.