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Child Custody & SupportDivorce

How to Make Children Feel Comfortable in a New Home After a Divorce

By October 17, 2022December 28th, 2024No Comments

If you are newly divorced, one of the following things you must consider is adjusting your children to their new normal. One of the biggest things children have to adjust to could be moving to a new home or splitting their time between two houses. For children, it can bring up many emotions of sadness, anger, and resentment. Our Texas divorce attorneys prioritize being there for our clients to help them navigate their divorces and adjust to their new life, this includes how to make children feel comfortable in a new home.

5 Tips to help children feel comfortable in a new home


Talk to your children about these new changes

Maintaining a healthy and open relationship with your child is essential. Let them know that you are always available to listen to their concerns or feelings. Let your children know they can come to you with any questions they may have, and you are always there to listen to them, especially when adjusting and helping children feel comfortable in a new home.

Depending on their age, you can always read books to them about moving and change. If they are currently seeing a therapist, this is something that their therapist can help with, talking to them about their questions.

Set expectations for moving day

Talk with your children about moving day and let them be involved as little or as much as they would like. You know your children best, so maybe being around on moving day would be helpful, or perhaps it would be best to spend the day with their grandparents or someone close to them.

Another way to decrease stress on moving day is to ensure your children are well-rested and well-fed. Also, keep a box of your children’s favorite possessions nearby, all in one place, so they’re readily available for the first night in their new environment.

Let your children decorate their room

Letting your children decorate their room can help them adjust to their new surroundings and routine more quickly. Especially if they go to their other parent on weekends and holidays, it can help them feel like it’s their room and not just a guest room. If you don’t have space for an extra room, have a place or an additional area they can decorate. Also, try to avoid packing your child to go back and forth. Instead, it’s a good idea for both homes to have toiletries, clothing, PJs, and toys.

Help your children feel safe in their new home

The feeling of change or possible abandonment can lead to extreme anxiety in children. Both parents need to make their children feel loved, supported, and secure. This is why having a healthy relationship, open communication, and setting expectations with your children are so important. It is also entirely ok to have slightly different rules in each household.

Set up a routine for your children

Children thrive on routine, so expectations are essential, especially when experiencing significant changes. Work with your children to create a calendar so they know their school schedule, afterschool activities, dinner time, homework time, and when they will go to their other parent’s house. Schedules and routines can help children process change, and they will know when something is happening and what is expected of them.

C.E. Borman & Associates is an American Lawyer Top 100 Law Firm. 

C.E. Borman & Associates have served the Brazos Valley for over 20 years. Our attorneys and legal staff are committed to straight talk and honest advice.

We provide exceptional value to our clients and often make life-long, remarkable changes that benefit future generations. Contact us if you need a divorce or family law attorney. Call (979) 846-4090.

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