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National Divorce Month: Knowing it’s Time to File for Divorce

By January 3, 2023January 2nd, 2025No Comments

Coming to terms with the fact that it might be time to file for a divorce is one of the most challenging decisions a couple has to face. Yet, deep down, you know that the signs are there, and the fear of the unknown and not knowing what will happen next should not stop you from filing for a divorce. January has become a national divorce month because couples who have done what they can to save their divorce realize that with the holidays over and with a new year, now is the best time to start fresh and start a new life chapter. Our Texas divorce attorneys are discussing below the signs of knowing it’s time to file for a divorce.

The signs: knowing it’s time to file for divorce

Our Texas family law firm has put together this checklist to help you realize that it’s time to file for a divorce. If you answer yes, to three or more of these questions, it is time to consider filing for a divorce.

  1. You are avoiding your partner (limited conversation, no more fighting, not making an effort, or not spending quality time together).
  2. There is a lack of intimacy.
  3. You and your partner act as roommates, not as friends or partners.
  4. You don’t trust or respect your partner (or your spouse cheated).
  5. You consistently complain about your partner.
  6. You are constantly fighting and are not getting along.
  7. Things between the two of you are not changing or getting better.
  8. You don’t have the same life goals and are not on the same page.
  9. You are staying together for your children.
  10. You are staying together for financial reasons.
  11. You are worried about what others might think if you file for divorce.
  12. You have had thoughts about what it would be like to start over.

What should be your next steps when knowing it’s time to file for a divorce

Once you have decided to file for divorce, even though it’s complicated and upsetting, it can also give you some relief. However, with that decision made, you will need to start making arrangements and taking the next necessary steps.

1. Contact an experienced Texas divorce attorney.

An experienced divorce attorney can create a case for your divorce, walk you through all the steps of filing for divorce, answer any of your questions, help you to gather documents, and guide you through your divorce throughout the entire process. You want to ensure your divorce is set up for success and that you have all the vital information you need to make critical decisions. It is also important to note that divorce in Texas takes at least 60 days from start to finish.

2. Creating a temporary agreement with your spouse

Most divorces can get messy even when they are on the best terms. Therefore, you will need to decide on living arrangements, finances, and temporary custody agreements after filing for a divorce. Again, it’s best to speak with your Texas divorce attorney or a therapist or mediator to help you navigate this situation and devise a plan. In some cases, the courts will place a temporary custody agreement.

3. It’s ok to seek out support and help.

Divorce is hard, and managing everything on your own is challenging. Meeting with a therapist is always a good idea as you go through your divorce (and even after). You maybe even be interested in joining a divorce group. Also, don’t try to balance it all. As you navigate through this difficult time and a significate life change, this is the time when you should lean on your friends, family, and even your neighbors. It’s ok to ask for help.


Are you ready to take the following steps and file for divorce?

Divorce is never easy. Divorces can become complicated even when you are on the best terms. The complexities of divorce are the reason why you need an experienced divorce attorney on your side from the beginning. Our Texas divorce law firm can answer all your questions, provide you with all your options, and be there to guide you from beginning to end.


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C.E. Borman & Associates is an American Lawyer Top 100 Law Firm. 

C.E. Borman & Associates have served the Brazos Valley for over 20 years. Our attorneys and legal staff are committed to straight talk and honest advice.

We provide exceptional value to our clients and often make life-long, remarkable changes that benefit future generations. Contact us if you need a divorce or family law attorney. Call (979) 846-4090.



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