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The Covid-19 Vaccine And Co-parenting In Texas

By October 28, 2021January 2nd, 2025No Comments

Now that the FDA has approved the COVID-19 Vaccine for children the age of 12 or older. Some co-parenting and divorced parents are facing a new challenge, the COVID-19 vaccine. What happens when one parent wants to vaccinate and the other doesn’t? How can the covid-19 vaccine and co-parenting in Texas coincide if you can’t come to an agreement?

Many parents are concerned with the risk of vaccinating their young children and would like to wait for further studies. However, they fell torn because they know it risks of their children getting COVID-19 while going to school, hanging out with friends, doing extra circular activities, and traveling.

Co-parenting in Texas: How to come to an agreement

Instead of fighting with your ex-partner, there are ways to come to an agreement.

1. Use the CDC as a resource

The information on the CDC website is always the most current and updated and it is a great resource for helping you get answers about the vaccine. While the CDC and American Pediatrics have advised that children 12 and above should get a COVID-19 vaccination to help protect against COVID-19, parents and health care providers should consider the welfare of the individual child. This is also why it’s important to schedule an appointment with your family doctor. 

2. Meet with your therapist

If you meet together with a therapist to help with co-parent issues, schedule a mediation appointment. As you meet with your therapist remember these communication tools.

  1. Separate your feelings about how you feel towards your ex and focus on your co-parenting responsibilities
  2. Stick to the facts about the vaccine and don’t bring up past emotions about other co-parenting issues
  3. Although this can be a challenge, respect your ex’s point of view
  4. Try to stay calm and avoid getting into an argument

3. Consult with your family doctor

Your doctor will be able to answer your question, give you advice, and provide you with any resources you may need or have requested. It’s important that you are both available for this appointment. So you can both hear the advice of your doctor first hand. Common questions to ask your doctor may include;

  1. Why should my child be vaccinated?
  2. Which vaccine will my child receive?
  3. Is the vaccine safe for my child?
  4. Is the dose for kids ages 12 to 15 the same dose given to adults?
  5. What are the most common side effects for children?

4. Schedule an appointment with your Texas divorce attorney to review your child custody order or agreement

Your Texas divorce attorney can review your child custody order or agreement with both parties. However typically in Texas most co-parent agreements, one or sometimes both parents may have;

  1. A responsibility to provide non-invasive medical treatment to children
  2. A right to make decisions involving invasive medical treatment for their children

5. Go to Court

If you still can’t come to an agreement you might have to settle the COVID-19 vaccination issue with the court. The judge will be able to rule if the vaccine is an “invasive procedure”.  However, since new information is coming out all the time once you go to court the ruling might have changed. Before your scheduled court date, it is important that both parties provide facts and valid reasons as to why they are for or against the vaccine. The reason should not be based on emotions. Hopefully this helped how to navigate the Covid-19 vaccine and co-parenting in Texas.

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