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Creating an Effective Co-Parenting Plan for 2023

By January 15, 2023January 22nd, 2025No Comments

With a new year upon us, one of your goals this year might be to develop a better co-parenting plan for 2023. This article will also benefit you as you begin your co-parenting journey if you are recently divorced. Co-parenting positively is essential to your child’s development as they adapt to life changes and your divorce. As time goes on, your life will also change. Also, effectively co-parenting is an excellent way for both parents to develop a close relationship with each child. Our Texas divorce attorneys have put together tips for creating a co-parenting plan for 2023.

Developing an effective co-parenting plan for 2023.

It is essential to remember a well-designed co-parenting agreement indicates that no matter the differences between you and your ex-spouse. You both will always have one thing in common; you want what is best for your children.

As you move forward into the new year, think about these challenges, concerns, changes, and even emotional behaviors, as you create your co-parenting plan.

Be open-minded to change.

As your child grows, their needs change. So, it’s essential to be open-minded about adjusting your co-parenting plan to meet your child’s needs. For example, they might have after-school activities or plans with friends that change your schedule or the days you spend time with them. Even if you have had a co-parenting plan that has worked in previous years. This year might be the year that things are adjusted. So, review your co-parenting plan each year and make adjustments where needed. Adjustments include holidays, school days off, activities, etc.

Try to be supportive of your co-parent.

Focus on the best interest of your children and not on what irritates you about your co-parent. If you have been divorced for a while, and life goes on, things might change in both of your personal lives. For example, one of you may get a new job that affects school pick-up time and activities, or you may have to adjust weekend schedules because of other conflicts. Of course, you can always use a co-parenting app to help with conflicts and schedules. However, it’s important to understand that things will change, and you will have to make adjustments. When disputes arise, it’s important to remember that communication is always key. When life causes things to change, it’s best to communicate with your spouse effectively that is still in the child’s best interest.

Have a written plan in place.

With the help of a family law attorney in Texas or a mediator, you can work together to create a parenting plan that works for all of you. A written plan ensures everyone understands their role and the agreed-upon terms that will shape a positive experience for all.

Your children should never be in the middle.

It’s important to remember that your child should not be kids stuck in the middle because you and your ex-spouse are not getting along. If you need guidance, you can always seek mediation or speak with your Texas family law attorney to ask for advice. Understandably, you may both have different parenting styles or approaches. However, it is most important that your child feels safe, secure, and loved.

Make the transition easy.

Your child should not feel anxious as they navigate from one parent’s house to another. Instead, have a set meeting and drop-off place, and keep exchanges positive. In addition, it is helpful if the child has necessities at each parent’s house: a toothbrush, pajamas, and extra clothing. Here are some great tips on making children feel comfortable in a new home after divorce.

We can help answer your questions about divorce, co-parenting, or family law matters.

The complexities of divorce are the reason why you need an experienced divorce attorney on your side from the beginning. Our Texas divorce law firm can answer all your questions, provide you with all your options, and be there to guide you from beginning to end.


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