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Should You Announce Your Divorce Before Christmas?

By December 7, 2022February 28th, 2025No Comments

Deciding that you want to get a divorce is a difficult decision. However, when deciding to get a divorce around the holidays, it can become even more confusing and add an extra layer of stress. It is something that needs to be carefully considered. Are the holidays a good time to tell the children? Should we let the family know? Should we still celebrate together? So, should you announce your divorce before Christmas? It may be best if you are planning on filing for divorce before Christmas that you continue your usual traditions this holiday season. Our Texas divorce attorney will walk you through how to approach the holiday season while moving forward with a divorce.

So, should you announce your divorce before Christmas?

It is understandable to want to file for divorce sooner rather than later, even if it’s during the holiday season. Reasons to file before Christmas can be obviously personal, financial, or even tax reasons. So, you can absolutely move forward with your divorce during the holidays. However, you might want to pause on announcing your divorce to your friends and family until after the festivities. The following are reasons why you should wait before announcing your divorce before Christmas.

Keeping the peace and continuing through this holiday season as seamlessly as possible

As challenging as it may be to maintain a smile and act like everything is ok, it might be best to keep your divorce a secret until after the holiday season. You will likely get asked about your divorce at every event or activity you attend. By next year, you will not be “the talk” at every event as your divorce will be in the past. So give yourself some grace at already a stressful time of the year.

Don’t add additional stress to holiday plans and activities.

The holidays are a lot of work. There is always something to do or somewhere to go every day: holiday parties, activities for the children, holiday dinners, and Christmas shopping. The list goes on. Although it might seem like a long time, it’s not. Why add an extra layer of stress when you can wait a few more weeks before announcing your divorce? The New Year should focus on a new you.

Divorce can be complicated. Get a head start on your divorce now.

It is entirely ok to file for divorce during the holiday season. However, a lot goes into a divorce, including dividing assets and deciding on a child custody agreement. Therefore, the outcome of your divorce agreement is best to avoid being resolved during a busy time. However, your Texas divorce attorney can begin working on your divorce proceedings during the holidays and create your divorce agreement. Then, your divorce will be finalized at the beginning of the new year.

You can file for divorce now. However, it may be best not to disrupt or upset your children right before Christmas.

Even though you may file for your divorce during the holiday season, studies show that the top reason why you should not announce your divorce before Christmas is your children. For most children, this is there most favorite time of the year. The Christmas season is magical and a time for joy and excitement. However, announcing that their parents are divorcing can significantly affect their excitement for the holiday season.

It might be the last Christmas they ever experience with everyone as a family. So you and your spouse must do everything possible to put your differences aside, and follow through with your divorce, so you can still give your children a memorable Christmas.

Working with a trusted Texas family law attorney.

We understand that deciding to file for a divorce is never an easy decision. However, our Texas attorneys are here for you every step of the way and will provide you with the guidance you need to make the best decision for your family’s future.


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C.E. Borman & Associates have served the Brazos Valley for over 20 years. Our attorneys and legal staff are committed to straight talk and honest advice.

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